Wednesday, 9 January 2008

In which the Rodent copes with a cold house by having hot cuppas.

My bedroom is currently a balmy and tropical 11.5 Celsius. It was 10.2 when I woke up. Since then, I've been out to go and buy more gas, since we were down to a fiver and that only just pays for Pol's daily bath and the washing up. I'm going to clamber over the sofa to jam the card into the meter and then put the heating on. Oddly enough, I'm quite warm at the moment, but then I am wearing a jumper and a cardigan, wool trousers and warm fluffy slippers, and, of course, the hat.

Outside, Bolton is looking very well after the squalls and thunder last night. There doesn't seem to be any damage. I did hear on the radio about trees being down somewhere or other.

Going out has left me tired and migrainous, but not so much I can't enjoy life. Say about a 5, where I can more or less do things but it's sore. In theory, I should be very, very poorly because I did a lot on Monday and it's been cold, a major trigger. I feel... slightly achey. Healthy, almost, other than the dragging headache in one eye and the slight nausea.

Just about everything I had been watching on the telly has been taken off again. My day used to have double Scrubs, DIY SOS and a few other things in. Now it's Ray Mears and A&E, and it's just not the same. It might be sad to build my day around television, but it works. I huddle under a duvet watching television, then during the breaks I do housework. The programme coming on gives me an excuse to stop what I am doing and take a rest, which may be helping the M.E. and does stop me triggering major migraine from hell. The programme finishing gets me wanting a cuppa, which gets me on my feet, which is good for stopping me wallowing in winter depression.

If I'm on the computer, I tend to just stay on for hours, unless I sit on the edge of the bed like now in a cold room with no cuppa and only Radio Four for company. Radio Four gets me awake and ready to get up in the first place.

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