Wednesday, 23 January 2008

In which the Rodent goes to a nice pub and goes shopping.

I'm being spoiled rotten. Isn't that awful? Ruthi's been running around making sure that I have food and am comfortable and it's all working very well.

Yesterday we went to this fantastic pub, where people do things together, such as play games or make collage or just things it's more fun to do in a group than alone. They also have magazines, books and bar-billiards. The food at the pub is good, and it is a real ale, real whisky and real soft drink pub. It's so wholesome.

We played this strange game called Carcassonne, involving building roads and rivers and cities to gain points. It's insanely complicated. I was very distracted the whole time by Fretchen the ferret, the cutest fuzzball I've ever met. I had a migraine of course, but it wasn't enough to stop me enjoying myself. A six at worst.

We go there again on Sunday.
Meanwhile, back in Bolton, there's drama unfolding. Flitter is talking to husband, heavily mediated by someone who's been overseeing the entire drama, and we may get our spare room back by the time I get home. I didn't think she'd still be there when I got back, but she's allegedly going to stay long enough to do a few things in friendly togetherness.

Today's friendly togetherness with Ruthi was a visit to a supermarket, in fact to two supermarkets. One was the Chinese supermarket on the high street in Walthamstowe, where I got many snacks. Preserved plums are too strong for me to enjoy, but now plum tea and the way it tastes are fully explained. Actually, perhaps I should use one to make plum tea.

I also have wasabi broad beans, prune cream toffees, lychee pudding and I already drank the tamarind juice drink and ate chess cakes with coffee. There's lots more to go.

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